Iperia is the leading training institute for the family and home professionals: childcare assistants, senior caregivers, handicap assistants, etc. They have 120 employees in France, 246 partnerships and certified 128,000 professionals since their creation in 1994.

In 2019, I managed a team that developed an app for the senior caregivers community. I led the project until it was first published on the Google Play Store in 2020.

This project took a year to complete, from discovering the challenges of our users to pushing the code on the store. It involved a team of 2 designers, 3 developers and a few stakeholders including the client Iperia.

<aside> 🤳 Get the app here!



I managed this project through a user-centered and iterative approach. Most of the work has been done internally and some of the steps (marked below with a *****) were finalized during workshops with the client. The first part of the product design was inspired by the Google design sprint methodology that I used here for the first time.

Creating 4 personae

Creating 4 personae

Rapid prototyping

Rapid prototyping

Listing paint points

Listing paint points

AARRR strategy

AARRR strategy

What is the app for

We were lucky to start the project with intense user research. And we quickly learned that being a senior caregiver is really tough! The profession was facing 2 major issues:

  1. Loneliness: On the road all day visiting up to 10 patients, caregivers don't have colleagues and suffer from social isolation.
  2. Lack of recognition: Most caregivers do the exact same work as nurses, but don't have the title. It generates frustrations.

Introducing RAVie, whose mission is to bring the community together and push every senior caregiver to share their knowledge to others.

RAVie stands for Relai Assistant de Vie, a training Iperia created for the caregivers before developing the app. The word ravie in French means I'm delighted, it made so much sense that we just decided to keep it.

The main feature of the app works a bit like a Reddit community, where users can ask public questions or share their answers. To make it 100% dedicated to the community and entice more users, we also added 2 other key features: help to find a replacement for a shift & a library of content certified by Iperia.

Androïd prototype of RAVie

Androïd prototype of RAVie

Post project thoughts

We had to develop an app - that was a major client constraint. In my opinion, we should have developed a web version instead. It would have been faster to develop and easier to access by our "not-so tech friendly" caregivers community.